prem sambhavo

I am a therapist, meditator and teacher, based in Italy and India. I have a bachelors, masters and doctoral degrees in clinical psychology, presented with honours in Italy, from University of Padua and Bologna.

My research has always been not only, in the traditional form of education, but also primarily focused on contemporary psychodynamic theory, meditative approaches and psycho-spiritual healing.

My doctoral dissertation explored the negative effects of beliefs and injunctions given to the child from parents, religion and educational school system.

I’m a member of the A.P.A. – American Psychology Association – the E.F.P.A. – European Federation of Psychologists – and many other psychological Associations.

My personal journey into consciousness started at a very early age. As a  teenager I experienced the momentary realization of the Self, also known in transpersonal psychology as,  Peak-Experience. The internal shift I went through was so deep and radical that I began, at that age, the study of meditation and philosophy.

Over the last 35 years, I have trained extensively in both psychological, spiritual methodologies and meditation. My travels took me to Central America, India, Nepal and North America, where I worked with shamans, teachers and masters of all kinds. I have studied their unique spiritual traditions, in conjunction with, and complimented by, the most prominent figures in the field of psychotherapy and psychology.

Today my spiritual background is a wide variety of wisdom traditions and experiences and my proven therapeutic trainings and interests are, in depth psychology, sexual traumas, group psychodynamic, transpersonal psychology and the healing application of meditation and meditative awareness.

Since 2008 I’m one of the leaders and facilitators of the Path of Love Process, a powerful transformational journey in the field of Humanistic – Existential Psychology. I facilitate this process world-wide, offered in  five different countries and in three different languages.

I’m also a facilitator of deep de-conditioning work, where through process as “Primal” and “A.F.H. (Advance Fisher Hoffman) process, I guide people to face their own shadow, false beliefs, and releasing childhood traumas and negative parental conditioning.

My approach is a combination of Depth Psychology and Meditation Method, with emotional awareness and the sensitivity of the body as an important part of my work.

My base is near the ocean, where free from groups and sessions,  I’m kite-surfing, swimming and free diving. I love to merge in nature, in silence and in meditation.